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Bath Ethnic Minority Senior Citizens Association (BEMSCA).

Pauline Swaby-Wallace Pauline Swaby-Wallace has been a community worker for over 40 years. For 30 years she has been manager of the charity BEMSCA which provides day care services at Fairfield House. She is also a founder director of Fairfield House Bath CIC Director. She is proud to be involved in continuing the legacy of HIM Emperor Selassie to provide a service to older people in Bath.

Sonia Swaby is a long-standing BEMSCA staff member, cooking and housekeeping for the house and Elders. Born in Bath, she was drawn to Fairfield House to help with the Elders when BESMCA moved from its former premises in Riverside. Sonia has been at the heart of life in Fairfield House for over 25 years.
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