Every other Friday Fairfield House Bath CIC board members offer an open surgery 1500-1700 UK time.
Any community member can ask questions, receive updates and make suggestions to CIC directors. Results may be recorded and streamed on Imperial Voice Radio. The next CIC open surgery on this afternoon (18th November 2022)
Meeting link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6374027326
Also the important new independently chaired Fairfield House Bath CIC / B&NES Council monthly partnership board meetings will be live streamed. The next of these meetings is on December 1st and is likely to cover:
-Partnership board set-up
-Long-term capital finance
-Business plan update
-How we measure community benefit
-Lease related issues
Anyone can view the meeting live, and submit questions and comments. Email info@houseofhismajesty.com for joining details.
Photograph : An original stained glass window of Fairfield House, from 1850. Depicting the Roman mythological figure Flora, the goddess of flowering plants. This room, today a bathroom, was once known to be His Imperial Majesty's radio room, full of communications equipment.