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FAO All Visitors to Fairfield House

Dear Visitor

Bath Ethnic Minority Senior Citizens Association (BEMSCA) is the day-to-day life of Fairfield House, fulfilling His Imperial Majesty’s express wish for his former home to be used for the good of the aged. There are also community business users with a strong social purpose such as 3SG, Headway - The Brain Injury Association and 1st Impressions who are based here during the working week, which help to make Fairfield House more sustainable.

The elders are the main priority at Fairfield House always, and often visitors during the week put excess pressure and difficulties on the day care service or cause disruption to other important arranged activities.

Due to this, there is No visitor access during the week without prior arrangement.

Our Open days for Visitors wishing to explore the great legacy of

Emperor Haile Selassie I are on most Sundays throughout the year with Historical Guided Tours at 12 pm and 1.30 pm with an authentic Caribbean Lunch available afterwards.This is always a ticketed event and directly supports upkeep and progress at Fairfield House.

Scheduled days of celebrations by our Communities are always prearranged and are announced on our Social Media and Website.

You are welcome to take a moment to explore the grounds of Fairfield House, walking in the Footsteps of the Emperor and his family. Please leave the grounds as you found them, no littering, no damage, clean up after your dog if you have one, no fires, and please be respectful to our neighbours always. CCTV Images are being recorded to protect this important landmark.

For more information please visit :

To donate to Fairfield House please visit:


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