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New Fairfield House Bath CIC policies

Please find below current Fairfield House policies on

  • Equality and recruitment

  • Code of conduct

  • Complaints

Equality and Recruitment Policy


" All human beings are equal "

" There shall be no discrimination whatsoever "

"As we do not practise or permit discrimination within our nation,

so we oppose it wherever it is found "

HIM Haile Selassie I

Fairfield House Bath CIC celebrates HIM’s legacy. As such it commits to equality and non-discrimination in all its activities, and to opposing every sort of discrimination locally and nationally.

Discrimination based on race, age

As an institution of international significance, and as a significant UK-based organisation with a distinct Black identity, Fairfield House Bath CIC acknowledges and willingly accepts a special role in the rejection of racial discrimination in its own activities and in the communities with which it operates, doing what it can to challenge this known enemy of human liberty and equality.

Mindful of HIM’s intention that his former home should benefit the elderly, Fairfield House Bath CIC equally rejects discrimination on the basis of age, and commits to age-appropriate treatment for people of all ages who come into contact with Fairfield House.

Discrimination based on other characteristics protected under the Equality Act

As a contemporary and forward-looking British institution Fairfield House Bath CIC rejects discrimination based on the remaining protected characteristics defined in the Equality Act 2010: disability, gender, marital and parental status, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

Together with age and race these are the protected characteristics referred to in the rest of this policy.

Respect for UK law

Respecting UK law, as HIM himself did while in Britain, Fairfield House Bath CIC commits to adhering to all its legal obligations including those under the Equality Act 2010. Conformance to the Equality Act is furthermore an explicit condition of the Council lease of Fairfield House. For Fairfield House Bath CIC to fail to abide by any provisions of the Act would directly jeopardise the CIC’s ability to secure the future of HIM’s legacy, which is its core purpose.

Recognising that HIM was a pioneer in progress towards anti-discrimination and human rights, Fairfield House Bath CIC’s Equality Policy is designed to align both with HIM’s principles and with UK law.


Fairfield House Bath CIC rejects discrimination and will strive for equality as defined under the Act in how it provides services, in any employment practices, policies and procedures including recruitment, training, pay, promotion and equal terms and conditions both for paid employment and for volunteers..

Fairfield House Bath CIC is committed to the creation of a fully non-discriminatory working environment.

This policy applies to employees whether part-time, full-time, fixed term or temporary, contractors, community business users, volunteers and trustees.

Statement of values

Fairfield House Bath CIC is built on HIM’s legacy which includes some of the world’s most powerful advocacy against racism and discrimination.

Fairfield House is in particular a refuge for the aged, and also a special refuge for people of African origin, many of whom have suffered lifelong discrimination in Britain.

Fairfield House is a place of Black identity and a home for the aged which is welcoming to all people regardless of race age faith gender sexuality and ability.

Forms of discrimination

Fairfield House Bath CIC adopts these definitions of discrimination:

Direct Discrimination means treating someone less favourably than others based on protected characteristics, for example not employing someone because of their gender or disability. This is unlawful and Fairfield House Bath CIC will treat direct discrimination as a disciplinary matter.

Indirect Discrimination is when a policy, practice or procedure that applies to everyone might disadvantage a particular group, and cannot be justified in relation to the job. Fairfield House Bath CIC will monitor and regularly review its policies, practices and procedures in order to ensure that they do not disadvantage any particular group.

Discrimination by association is direct discrimination against someone because they associate with another person who possesses one of the applicable protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, sex, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation). It is unlawful and Fairfield House Bath CIC will treat it as a disciplinary manner.

Perception discrimination is direct discrimination against an individual because others think they possess a particular protected characteristic. It applies even if the person does not possess that characteristic. It is unlawful and Fairfield House Bath CIC will treat it as a disciplinary matter in relation to age, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability, gender reassignment and sex.

Harassment is unwanted conduct that violates a person’s dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive working environment. Fairfield House Bath CIC will treat harassment as a disciplinary matter.

Victimisation is when you treat someone less favourably or discriminate against them because they have pursued or intend to pursue their rights relating to alleged discrimination. Fairfield House Bath CIC will treat victimisation as a disciplinary matter.

Positive discrimination is unlawful. We distinguish that from positive action to address imbalances in the workforce, which is allowed in particular circumstances, for example setting equality targets (but not quotas which are unlawful); encouraging people from particular groups to apply where they are under-represented; training for promotion or skill training for employees from under-represented groups who show potential.

Fairfield House Bath CIC will avoid positive discrimination, but will use positive action to ensure effective balanced representation and to address any imbalances that may emerge.

Statement of intent

Our intention is to ensure that no user of Fairfield House Bath CIC services, job applicant or employee or volunteer receives less favourable treatment due to a protected characteristic, to unrelated criminal convictions, or membership or non-membership of a trade union.

All employees and volunteers have a responsibility to co-operate with measures to ensure equal opportunity and non-discrimination.

We aim to create a culture that respects and values each others’ differences, that promotes dignity, equality and diversity, and that encourages individuals to develop and maximise their true potential.

We aim to remove any barriers, bias or discrimination that prevent individuals or groups from realising their potential and contributing fully to Fairfield House’s performance and to develop an organisational culture that positively values diversity.

Placing the Elders at the centre of Fairfield House, we are committed wherever practicable, to achieving and maintaining a team that broadly reflects the communities that work together to protect HIM’s legacy: local people, people of African descent, and Rastafari.

The law applies to individuals as well as to the CIC

The Board recognises that Fairfield House Bath CIC could be held liable in law for acts of discrimination committed by employees or volunteers. Individual employees and volunteers need also to recognise that they can be held personally liable in law for acts of discrimination that they commit, authorise, contribute to or condone when acting or appearing to act for Fairfield House Bath CIC.

Individual employees and volunteers should therefore be aware that the following acts are unlawful and would constitute misconduct or gross misconduct liable to disciplinary action, which may include summary dismissal or exclusion:

  • Discriminating in the course of employment or prospective employment against fellow or future employees or volunteers in job, transfer or promotion applications on the grounds established in this Equality Policy

  • Inducing or attempting to induce employees to practise unlawful discrimination

  • Indulging in verbal or physical, sexual or racial harassment of a nature that is known, or should be known, to be offensive to the victim

  • Victimising individuals who have made allegations or complaints of any discrimination or harassment or provided information about such discrimination or harassment

All of us at Fairfield House are responsible for ensuring this Equality Policy is applied in all our dealings with staff, volunteers, visitors, clients, suppliers and community members.

We must all be aware that it is unlawful to commit, authorise, contribute to or condone acts of discrimination on the grounds of the protected characteristics in the provision of goods and services. Breaches of the policy by suppliers could result in termination of contracts for services.

Details of laws that apply can be found in Appendix A


The Board is ultimately responsible for this equality policy. It can choose to delegate day-to-day implementation to an operations manager or equivalent.

Selection for board directors, for employee or volunteer roles, promotion or any other benefit will be on the basis of merit and ability only. Selection for training will be on the basis of job requirements only. Intimidation, harassment and bullying will not be tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action.

If you perceive a problem in recruitment, selection, training, promotion or the application of terms and conditions of employment you should raise it in the first instance with your responsible director.

All cases of such behaviour will be investigated. We will treat all complaints fairly, quickly and with confidentiality.

Any employee who has taken action, in good faith, over allegations of discrimination or harassment, will not be victimised by being treated any less favourably than any other employee as a consequence of taking such action. Fairfield House Bath CIC will monitor the practical effects of the policy by regularly collecting and reviewing relevant information. You are expected to co-operate in work being undertaken to monitor, review and implement this policy.

This policy adopted by the trustee will be made available to staff, volunteers, suppliers and service users when they join Fairfield House Bath CIC and by making use of our communications.

Recruitment and selection

Fairfield House Bath CIC will adopt open recruitment processes, with competitive selection for any contract worth over £1000.

Fairfield House Bath CIC aims to ensure that no job applicant suffers discrimination because of any Protected Characteristic. Our recruitment, promotion and other selection exercises, such as redundancy selection, will be conducted on the basis of merit, against objective criteria that avoid discrimination. Procedures are reviewed regularly to ensure that individuals are treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities. Job selection criteria are regularly reviewed to ensure that they are relevant to the job and are not disproportionate. Shortlisting of applicants will be done by more than one person, wherever possible.

Job advertisements will avoid stereotyping or using wording that may discourage groups with a particular Protected Characteristic from applying. Where possible, they will include an appropriate short policy statement on equality, diversity and inclusion, and a copy of this policy can be sent on request to those who enquire about vacancies.

Fairfield House Bath CIC takes steps to ensure that our job vacancies are advertised to a diverse section of the labour market, where it is necessary to recruit externally. Where appropriate, we may approve the use of lawful exemptions to recruit someone with a particular Characteristic – for example, where the job can only be done by a woman. The advertisement should specify the exemption that applies.

Job applicants will not be asked about health or disability before a job offer is made. There are limited exceptions, for example:

a) questions necessary to establish if an applicant can perform an intrinsic part of the job (subject to any reasonable adjustments)

b) questions to establish if an applicant is fit to attend an assessment, or any reasonable adjustments that may be needed at interview or assessment

c) positive action to recruit disabled persons, or

d) Equality and Diversity Monitoring (which will not form part of the selection or decision-making process).

Where necessary, job offers may be made conditional on a satisfactory medical check.

Job applicants will not be asked about past or current pregnancy or future intentions related to pregnancy. Applicants will not be asked about matters concerning age, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or gender reassignment.

Fairfield House Bath CIC is required by law to ensure that all employees are entitled to work in the UK. Assumptions about immigration status will not be made based on appearance or apparent nationality. All prospective employees, regardless of nationality, must be able to produce the required documentation before employment starts, to satisfy current immigration legislation.

Fairfield House Bath CIC will avoid situations where family members report to or are accountable to, selected by, managed by or paid by other close family members.


The Trustee Board will keep this policy under review, with input from management and staff. This review and our action plan will be included as part of our annual Business Plan.

Appendix A

This policy takes account of the following legislation:

Equality Act 2010

  • Consolidates previous legislation. It is unlawful to treat somebody less favourably than another person because of a protected characteristic i.e.race; age; disability; gender reassignment; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation; marriage and civil partnership; and pregnancy and maternity

  • It is unlawful to discriminate against somebody because they associate with another person on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex ,sexual orientation

  • It is unlawful to discriminate against somebody because others think they possess one of these protected characteristics: Age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex ,sexual orientation

  • It is unlawful to have a rule or policy that applies to everyone but disadvantages people with the following protected characteristics: Age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex ,sexual orientation; marriage and civil partnership

  • Employees can complain about behaviour that they find offensive even if it is not directed at them on the basis of the following protected characteristics: Age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex ,sexual orientation

  • Employers are potentially liable for harassment of their staff by people they don’t employ on the basis of the following protected characteristics: Age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex ,sexual orientation

  • It is unlawful to treat somebody badly (victimisation) because they have made or supported a complaint or grievance under the Act (applies to all protected characteristics)

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974

  • Ex-offenders have certain employment rights if their convictions become ‘spent’, including not having to declare spent convictions and protecting them against dismissal or exclusion (with certain exceptions such as for those working with children).

Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000

  • The regulations aim to ensure that part-time workers are not treated less favourably than comparable full-time workers, including having the same rates of pay and pro rata holiday entitlement.

Fixed-term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002

  • The regulations aim to ensure that employees on fixed-term contracts are treated no less favourably than comparable permanent employees, including having the same terms and conditions of employment.

The Asylum and Immigration Act 1996

  • This places a responsibility on employers to ensure that all employees are not in breach of immigration rules. It covers the checks that an employer must do to ensure that employees are eligible to work in the UK, checking passports, visas etc.

Fairfield House Bath CIC code of conduct

Code of Conduct for Fairfield House Trustees, staff and volunteers

The Purpose of the Code

The Fairfield House Code of Conduct sets a framework for how we must operate to protect the interests of all concerned: members, stakeholders, customers, employees, and suppliers. The Code of Conduct does not aim to address every situation but is designed as an overall statement of values, culture, behaviours and ways of working that are central to our approach as a community interest company (CIC).

Who does the code of conduct apply to?

All the Board of Trustees, any staff, volunteers and all who are being provided services at Fairfield House are bound by Fairfield House code of conduct. We expect all employees, consultants or service providers to follow the code.

Code violations may result in a termination of contract or relationship with Fairfield House.

Code Violations

If you breach the Fairfield House Code of Conduct you may face disciplinary action (including dismissal). In serious cases, legal action may be taken against you.

Professional behaviour

We expect that our organization is a good corporate citizen and complies with the letter, and with the spirit of the law in all our dealings as an organization.


Integrity is doing the right thing even if no one is watching

You must always:

  • Act in the best interests of our communities as a whole.

  • Respect clients and treat them courteously and consistently.

  • Respect colleagues and treat them fairly, openly and honestly.

Respect at Work

Harassment, discrimination and bullying of any kind will not be tolerated at work, at work-related functions or social events or on client premises.

Colleagues should avoid gossip and malicious rumour. Any individual who has an issue or complaint about a colleague should raise this directly with the individual concerned or escalate the matter using the standard complaints procedure or speaking to the director nominated for conflict resolution (at time of writing Pauline Swaby).

Equal Opportunity

Fairfield House CIC is an equal opportunities employer and expects you to treat your colleagues fairly and free from discrimination in all interactions and decisions regarding them.

Our values

  1. Acting with integrity

  2. Focused

  3. Passionate

  4. Diversity

  5. Collaboration

Conflict of interest

This situation may arise if you have a personal interest in a business decision involving Fairfield House CIC. Examples of conflict of interests where you have an involvement with the other party include; a family relationship; a business/ commercial/ financial relationship; a romantic/ sexual relationship; a volunteering relationship e.g. trustee. Personal interest can be direct or indirect and encompasses not only your interests but those of your family and friends. Avoid situations in which your personal interests could conflict with those in the Fairfield House Community. If there is a potential conflict of interest, the Community’s interests must always take priority. If you have a conflict of interest or a potential conflict of interest you must disclose this to appropriate staff member in writing.

You may also have a conflict of interest if you sit on the Board – in either a legal or an advisory capacity – of a voluntary organisation, a partner organisation or a foundation or sub-committee/working group of a member company. You may find yourself being involved in a decision to award funding from Fairfield House to the voluntary organisation or funding to Fairfield House from the member company. You must immediately declare a conflict of interest at the start of the discussion and abstain from the decision.

Relationships and conflict of interest

The Fairfield House CIC respects all its employees right to a private life, but we need to protect business interests and the integrity of the organisation. Workplace relationships are common but if you are in a personal relationship with someone who directly supervises you, this will be considered a conflict of interest. Likewise, if you are in a relationship with someone you manage there will be a serious conflict of interest and there is a risk that accusations of unfair advantage may arise. This may also be an issue if you are in a relationship with a colleague who is not in your direct management line. It is your responsibility to act with integrity and transparency and declare the relationship, in confidence, to the appropriate staff member. By doing so we can consider an alternative management arrangement e.g. a change in reporting line, to ensure we mitigate risks of unfair treatment and reputational damage. In some circumstances, failure to declare a conflict of interest due to a relationship may result in disciplinary action.

Outside Activities

If you are invited to serve in any capacity (as director, partner, trustee, employee, consultant, agent etc.) - whether paid or unpaid - in any other charity, company or business, and the invitation is directly or indirectly connected to your employment at Fairfield House Community, you should seek the permission of the Board of Trustees.

Gifts and Entertainment

Gifts and entertainment should not be given or received if they could be interpreted as creating an obligation; that your impartiality could be affected, or the gifts or entertainment could be perceived to influence a professional decision. You may accept items of small value, such as promotional pens or coasters, chocolates, bottles of wine. Any more substantial gifts should be donated to charity. Reasonable offers of entertainment such as dinner, theatre parties or sporting events may be accepted or offered. In determining what is "reasonable" the onus is on you to consider not only the value of the gift or entertainment, but the frequency with which they are offered, and the circumstances in which they are offered. If in doubt, ask the appropriate person.

Records and Reports

Any information that you record and report must comply with financial, accounting, data protection and safeguarding policies and procedures.

Safety and Security

It is the policy of Fairfield House CIC to maintain safe and healthy working conditions. You must follow Health and Safety procedures that apply to the area where you work (full Health and Safety policy to follow).

We do not tolerate any level of violence or threat at Fairfield House. This would be investigated and may lead to disciplinary action and possible reporting to the Police.

Intellectual Property

You must respect all copyright and intellectual property laws. Anything you write in your capacity as an employee of Fairfield House CIC regarding responsible business and is published either online and/or hard copy is the property and copyright of Fairfield House CIC and you waive all rights to the IP. You also agree to abide by Intellectual Property laws in relation to suppliers.

Confidentiality and Privacy

During the course of your work you may learn confidential and/or personal information about Fairfield House CIC, its members, stakeholders, customers, employees, and suppliers. You must treat as confidential any such information given to Fairfield House CIC by members unless permission has been given by the member for use for example, in case studies or published research.

Drafted and approved Feb 2023. Review 2026

Fairfield House Bath CIC

Complaints policy

Fairfield House Bath CIC aims to provide staff, volunteers and service users with the best possible experience.

However, we recognise that from time to time there may be occasions when community members or visitors feel that the quality or level of their experience falls short of what they could reasonably expect.

We would expect to resolve any day to day difficulties or complaints informally and as quickly as possible. In the first instance we would expect you to raise any complaint directly with the volunteer, member of staff or the volunteer director responsible.

The more formal procedure outlined below is intended for use where informal communication has not resolved the problem.

This is what you should do:

The complaint should be made either in person, or by telephone, letter or email to one of the co-chairs. These are currently Esther Sellassie Antohin and William Heath. You can expect them to acknowledge, in writing within ten working days, the receipt of any complaint.

If the complaint is about one of the co-chairs the complaint should be addressed to the other co-chair, or to the Finance Director. This is currently Karen Crawford.

Any complaint should be marked “confidential”.

At this, and any subsequent stage, the complainant may be accompanied or supported by a friend, but not a legal representative.

This is what Fairfield House Bath CIC will do:

The Chair (or responsible director) will investigate the circumstances leading to the complaint and will communicate the results of the investigation to the complainant within a reasonable time – normally within 20 working days of the complaint being received. If the complaint is found to be justified, the co-chair (or operations manager) will agree any necessary further action with the complainant.

The complainant will have the right – if dissatisfied with the results of the enquiry – to put their case, in writing, to an appeal panel of two Trustee Board members, which will include at least one of the co-chairs.

If the appeal is found to be justified, the appeal panel will agree any necessary further action with the complainant. The decision of the appeal panel is final and no further appeal is possible.

The co-chair (or operations manager) will keep the Trustee Board informed of the number and nature of complaints, and the outcomes. They will report to the Board on this at least annually.

If you have a complaint, contact the co-chair or responsible director at:

Fairfield House Bath CIC

2 Kelston Road

Bath BA1 3QJ

Please also let us know if you are happy with Fairfield House Bath CIC’s services.

Updated June Feb 2023


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